Codex-Ipsa Launcher

A Minecraft launcher designed for playing old versions of the game and different editions using emulators.
Still (somewhat) in development, you should totally expect issues.
Download [ Windows ]
Legacy+ website

Website for Minecraft mods made by Method - Mainly Classic+, Indev+, Infdev+ and some others.
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Omniarchive website

Website for a Minecraft archival project I am heavily involved with. It was made to look like an early 2010s
website, and I think it captures that pretty well! It's mostly simple HTML/CSS but uses bits of PHP for
stuff like the splash, news section, etc.
Visit the [ website ]
Word of Notch archive

In collaboration with Omniarchive (see above), I made this archive of Notch's now defunct Tumblr blog. It
uses the original Tumblrist theme which the blog had before it was removed for some reason.
Visit the [ website ]
The Intra Clinic

Yet another website I made, this time for an archive for Notch's games I own. The site is made with plan
HTML, no CSS involved! Once again made it to look like a site from the 2000s.
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Because I used to hate myself, I exposed myself to JavaScript a few times. :D I wanted to make a DOS-like
prompt as a web application, so this was created. Might expand on this one day and make a better version.
(Underground Sanctuary was a group me and a few friends had for a while, though we later split up.)
Try it [ in browser ]

Yet another random JS application, this time for the scale of some planets. This was originally made for a
space related site I was working on.
Try it [ in browser ]

A corrupted JPEG file I made by accident (deleting random bytes! =D). If you send it on Discord, the embed
always looks different.
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Minecraft Pi scripts

Some scripts I made for Minecraft Pi Edition. I have a few more, might upload those or make new ones
sometime in the future.
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